Two signals of 2GHz and 4GHz are frequency modulated on same carrier 10 GHz. Find the ratio of frequency deviation if band widths of both are equal.
A) 1:2 B) 2:1 C) 1:1 D) 1:4
- 45 Answers
45 Answers
- 23 Apr
- 1 Comment
In frequency modulation the maximum frequency deviation is directly proportional to the product of modulation index (beta) and modulating frequency where beta is given by(Kp*Am)/fm. Now frequency deviation becomes (Kf *Am). So the frequency deviation depends on the magnitude of the modulating message signal.but not ntgr modulating signal frequency fm.Hence the deviation ratio is in the ratio 1:1
- 12 Feb
- 0 Comment
1:1 because according to relation frequency deviation=K.Vm.fc in this relationship fc is same and K (bolzth man constant) constant so frq deviation depends only on amplitude of the msg signals hence no deviation due to carrier frq
- 14 Oct
- 0 Comment
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C) 1:1