Here you will find details on LIC ADO Exam 2018 with its notification, eligibility, syllabus, paper pattern and application procedure for apprentice development officer.
Are you interested in marketing and field work? Are you confident of making a career out of it? Then LIC Apprentice Developement Officer post is a viable option that you can pursue. An ADO in LIC is tasked with the responsibility of recruiting agents in LIC and also providing them with required training in policy sales and services.This is a challenging job profile that demands performance but comes with the freedom of working hours. Candidates who perform well are awarded performance based incentives. This job profile is apt for freshers as selected candidates are appointed as apprentices. On completion of the training period they are appointed as probationary development officers.PDO is an important administrative job profile in LIC.
Eligibility required for LIC ADO Exam:-
i) For Employees category and Agents category in both Urban and Rural area- Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute or a foreign university approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
ii) An applicant from Others category for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer in both Urban and Rural area shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute or a foreign university approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
Preference may be given to those applicants who possess Masters Degree in Business Administration in Marketing or Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from a University in India established under Statute or by an Institute approved by All India Council for Technical Education or a recognized Institution.
Note: Recognized Institution means such Institution as may be recognized by any State Government or the Central Government.
Age:- The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age (in completed years) and not more than 30 years of age.
The upper age limit (in completed years):-
1) Member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe - 35
2) Member of OBCs (other than those in creamy layer) - 33
3) LIC Employee who is not a member of a SC or a ST or OBCs - 42
4) LIC Employee who is a member of OBCs (other than those in the creamy layer) - 45
5) LIC Employee who is a member of a SC or ST - 47
6) LIC Agent who is not a member of SC or ST or OBCs - 37
7) LIC Agent who is a member of OBCs (Other than those in the creamy layer) - 40
8) LIC Agent who is a member of a SC or a ST - 42
9) Ex-serviceman - 30, increased by the number of years of service in the armed forces subject to maximum age of 45 years where he is a member of OBCs and, 47 years where he is a member of SC or ST and, Maximum of 42 years in other than SC, ST, OBC cases.
10) All Others- 30
LIC Employees: - Not less than 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post
LIC agents:-
For Recruitment in Urban Area:- Not less than 5 years as an agent and has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than Rs. 5, 00,000/- during the immediately preceding 5 agency years and a net First Year Premium Income of not less than Rs. 1,00,000/- on 50 lives in each of any 3 of these agency years.
For Recruitment in Rural Area:- Not less than 4 years as an agent and has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than Rs. 1,00,000/- on 50 lives per year in any 3 of the immediately preceding 4 agency years.
Other - Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years experience in life insurance industry.
Selection Procedure: - Selection will be made on the basis of on-line test followed by an Interview of candidates who qualify in the on-line test.
- 01 Apr
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