Cloze Test questions are consisting of a portion of language with certain items, words, or signs removed. Take tests to recognize removed words of passage.
Phrase Replacement questions are best on choosing an appropriate phrase for a given sentence. Take tests regularly to understand the correct use of phrases.
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Answering questions based on comprehension will be the first thing that a SBI JA & JAA aspirant will have to face in the Prelims Exam. Get sufficient practice on solving questions based on reading comprehension under English language section before facing the actual exam. These sample question papers and online test will help you in mastering these kind of questions.
SBI recruits Junior Associates (Customer Support and Sales) & Junior Agricultural Associates on regular basis. To make a career in State Bank of India (Clerical Cadre) start practicing with our online model test for JA & JAA vacancies. This section delivers Fill in the Blanks questions in English language.
Are you well versed in spotting grammatical errors in sentences? Find out how precisely you can solve these questions in the online practice test for State Bank of India JA & JAA Recruitment Exam. SBI mock test papers are an exact replica of the actual Prelims exam papers, so just begin and prepare yourself to score good & qualify for the Mains Exam.
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