I m graduating in June 2018 ..can I eligible for bank exam nd which bank exam..plz tell me
bank exam
- 4 Answers
4 Answers
- 25 Sep
- 0 Comment
Hi Nidhi,br /br /YOu are eligible for all of the graduation eligibilty of govt jobs online. For exmple ssc cgl, upsc, RRB group d, SBI Po, And sbi clerk.br /br /If you want a rel='nofollow' href="https://www.toprankers.com/bank-exams/sbi-mock-test-series/po-prelims/online-tests"SBI PO free mock test/a for sbi po preparation for sbi po exams like prelims and mains you get by click on this link. Not only the sbi, ibps, ssc, rrb govt jobs online coaching also avaiable.
- 16 May
- 0 Comment
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Practice Mock Test
strongEligibility Criteria/strongbr /For the post of Clerk:br /You should be graduated from a recognized university and the minimum percentage of educational qualification depends on the postbr /Age Limit: 18yrs to 28yrsbr /For the post of PO:br /You should be graduated from a recognized university and the minimum percentage of educational qualification depends on the postbr /Age Limit: not less than 21 years and not more than 26 yearsbr /To know about the Syllabus and Exam Pattern, a rel='nofollow' href="https://www.prep.youth4work.com/Government-Jobs/SBI-Test/About"Click here/a