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What is the cut-off for UPSC Pre 2018?

what benefit will I get if I am from OBC Category for UPSC Pre?

  • Pallavi
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • The actual cut off in the Prelims is disclosed by UPSC only after the declaration of the final civil services result. So the cut off for UPSC prelims 2018 will be known in May/June 2019 after the announcement of the civil services 2018 /Meanwhile you can know predicted cut-off for the 2018 Prelims from the different answers on this page.

  •  Predicted cut-off for UPSC Pre 2018 isbr /GEN: 93–97br /OBC: 90–94br /SC: 82 - 85br /ST: 80–84

  • strongExpected UPSC 2018 Prelims Cut Off :/strongbr /br /strongGeneral /strong150-200br /strongOBC /strong140-201br /strongSC /strong101-185br /strongST /strong103-180br /br /There are several factors that will be deciding the cut-off marks for various stages of UPSC 2018 examination. Some of these factors include-br /br /1. Number of applicants who appeared for the examinationbr /2. Total number of posts availablebr /3. Difficulty level of the examinationbr /4. Total number of candidate selected in the previous yearbr /5. Marking scheme of the examinationbr /6. Reservation norms

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