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Practice Tests for General Awareness And General Knowledge Wb Police Constable Prelims Exam

Are you aware of the latest happenings and current affairs in India and around the world, the pattern of Current Affair Questions changes every year? This Online Mock Test has been updated with the new GK MCQs keeping in mind the upcoming WB Police Constable Exam.

Indian Politics related MCQs in WB Police Constable Exam will include key topics as Indian Parliament, State commission, Election commission, Fundamental rights, Public service commission, Constitution of India and current affairs.

You can practice the latest sample questions relating to the Indian Economy for West Bengal Police Constable Recruitment. This Mock Test will help you improve your response time in attempting MCQs on Indian Economy, Planning Commission, Budget, Money, etc.

Geography isn't just the study of physical features of our planet, it also studies human culture around the world and much more. Know which type of Geography questions will be asked in the upcoming WB Police Constable Prelims Exam by taking this Free Online Mock Test this instant.

WB Police Constable Exam might also test you on the names of prominent books and their authors, names of the authors who won Nobel prize recently, which books won the Pulitzer prize, etc. Take this Online Mock Test to grasp the style of questions that will be asked in the Prelim Exam.

If you know little about Indian History, then this Online Mock Test will definitely prove beneficial. Take this Online History Mock Test for WB Police Constable Prelim Exam so that you can tackle the GK questions in the real exam.

General science is the basic study of all major physical, biological and earth sciences. Learn and practice general science questions for WB Police Constable Written Exam as It plays an important role in all government competitive exams.

General Awareness and General Knowledge

Elementary Mathematics

