IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Dates, Eligibility, Pattern, Syllabus, and Previous Year Papers

The official notification regarding the IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2020 Recruitment has been released, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) issued the information through its official website. The application forms for the same will released on June 2020, the process of applying for this much-awaited Examination is online and simple. IBPS will conduct RRB Office Assistant Recruitment for the post of IBPS RRB Office Assistant (CRP RRB VII) and the total number of vacancies is expected to be more than 5200. The applications forms are to be filled through the IBPS official Website from June 2020 in the online mode. The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelim Exam has been scheduled for September. The minimum qualification for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam calls for graduation in any course from a government recognized university/college. Furthermore, the candidate needs to be at least 18 years old but not older than 28 years, while the relaxation of age limit will be as per the discretion of the government departments involved. 

 Exam Pattern  |  Syllabus  |  Eligibility Criteria  |  Tips and Tricks | IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Mock Test

मुख्य हाइलाइट
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam का
ibps rrb office assistant Exam Date:
Mains: Feb 20, 2021 Prelims: September 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 2020.
The applicant must hold a degree from a Recognized University.
Exam Duration:
A Cumulative Time of 2 Hours is Provided
ibps rrb office assistant Selection Procedure:
• Preliminary Exam • Mains Exam

Table of Contents

  1. Important Dates for the IBPS RRB Officer Assistant (Multi-purpose)

  2. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Selection Process

  3. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Eligibility Criteria

  4. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Application Fee

  5. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Admit Card

  6. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Exam Pattern

  7. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Marking Scheme

  8. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Syllabus

  9. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Expected Cut-Off

  10. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Pay Scale/Salary

  11. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Tips and Tricks


Important Dates for IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose)

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Notification Release date: June 30, 2020

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Application form filling (Registration) opening Date: July 01, 2020

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Application form (Registration) closing Date: July 21, 2020

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) PET Call Letters: August 12, 2020, onwards.

  • IBPS RRB Pre-Exam Training is scheduled from August 24, 2020, until August 29, 2020

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Call letters for Mains Exam: September 08, 2020

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Mains Exam Date: September 12 – 13 and September 19 – 20, 2020.

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Result date: October 2020

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Mains Exam: February 20, 2021

IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Selection Process

In the selection process of IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Post, the candidates have to go through a proper selection procedure to get recruited. The selection will be entirely based on the score obtained by the candidates in the two stages:

  1. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Prelims Exam

  2. IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Mains Exam

Get complete details of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Exam here.


IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) Eligibility Criteria

The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Eligibility Criteria is:

1. Nationality:

  • The applicant eligible for IBPS RRB OFFICE ASSISTANT (MULTI-PURPOSE) Test can be of Indian Nationality, Citizen of Nepal, Citizen of Bhutan, Tibetan refugee, only if they come intending to stay in India

  • People born in India but migrated to Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, and East African countries.

2. Educational Qualifications:

  • The Graduation Degree in any discipline from a recognized university.

  • The candidate must have proficiency in the local language and know about working on computers.

3. Age Limit:

The Officer Scale I post in Rural Banks must be within 18 – 28 years of age. The candidates applying for this post should have born after July 3, 1988, and before June 30, 1999 (both dates are inclusive in the age criteria). There is a provision of age relaxation for the reserved category candidates.


IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-Purpose) Application Fee

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multi-Purpose) Registration Fee: Rs. 850

  • SC/ST/PWBD: Rs. 175

 IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Admit Card


  • The call letter for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains test will be available in the initial week of February. The applicants can download the call letter from the official website.

  • The call letter is the entry ticket for the candidates that they have stepped up for the recruitment.


IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam Pattern

  • The exam conducting body that is IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection), is responsible for setting up exam patterns and marking processes.

  • The exam will be conducted in online mode.

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Mode: Computer-Based Test

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Type: Objective Type

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Questions Type: Multiple-Choice Questions

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Level: National Level

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Language: English and Hindi

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Duration: 2 hours (120 Minutes)

  • Number of Sections: 5

    • Reasoning Ability: 40 MCQs

    • Numerical Aptitude: 40 MCQs

    • General Awareness: 40 MCQs

    • English/Hindi Language: 40 MCQs

    • Computer Knowledge: 40 MCQs

  •  Total Number of Questions: 200

  • Maximum Marks of IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test: 200

  • According to IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Test Score, the applicants have to appear to verify the documents.

  • Candidates can navigate the sections tab answer the desired section.

  • The candidates will choose the correct answer from 5 options.

The candidates will be selected for 43 Regional Rural Banks through this RRB Office Assistant recruitment exam. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection reserves all the rights to change the exam pattern, schedule for the examination. The exam is conducted once a year.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Marking Scheme

The marking scheme of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains exam is 1 mark per Each question of any subject. The negative marking of 0.25 marks for the incorrect answer given is incorporated in the examination.

The negative marking for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam is here:

  • 1 mark will be awarded for every correctly marked answer.

  • 0.25 Marks will be deducted from the score for every incorrect answer. 4 wrong answers will take up the correct answer.

  • The candidate's score won't be deducted for any mark if they leave the question unattempted.


IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Syllabus

1. Reasoning Section: 

Logical Reasoning

Blood Relations



Coding Decoding

Seating Arrangement

Alphabet Test

Odd one out

Ranking & Number Test

Direction Sense Test

Causes and Effects

Decision Making

Puzzle Tests

Statement and Assumption

In- Equalities

Assertion and Reason

Statement and Conclusion

Statement and Arguments

Statements & Course of Action

Word Formation

Analytical Reasoning

2. Quantitative Aptitude

Data Interpretation

Boats And Streams

Simple Interest And Compound Interest

Mixtures And Alligations

Permutation Combination And Probability

Time And Distance


Number System

Profit And Loss

Ratio And Proportion

Work And Time


Number System


Decimal Fraction


Profit and Loss

Charts and Graph


3. General Awareness


Indian Economy

Budget Basics And Current Union Budget

Indian Constitution

Current Affairs

Indian History

Banking Awareness



Awards and Honors


Books and Authors

Fiscal Monetary Policies


Repo and Reverse Repo Rate

RBI & Its Functions


4. Computer Knowledge

Database Management System (DBMS)

Operating System

Internet And Networking

Hardware And Software

MS Windows And MS Office

Computer Abbreviations

Computer Fundamentals

History of Computers

Shortcut Keys

Security Tools




5. English Language

Reading Comprehension

Sentence Rearrangement

Spotting Error

Antonym And Synonym

Fill In The Blanks


Misspelled Words

Phrase Replacement

Cloze Tests

Idioms and Phrases


Active and Passive Voice

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Expected Cutoff 

IBPS RRB Cutoff is the minimum marks decided by the conducting authority. The candidate should score at least IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims cutoff marks to qualify. If a candidate cannot secure the cut-offs, he/she would not be eligible to appear for the next level.

The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Expected Cut off marks are:

  1. General category: 140-150 marks out of 200

  2. OBC: 130-140 marks out of 200

  3. SC: 110-120 marks out of 200

  4. ST: 100-110 marks out of 200


IBPS RRB Office Assistant Pay Scale and Salary


Pay Scale

In-hand Salary

IBPS RRB Office Assistant

Rs. 13730

Rs. 21000-23000

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Recruitment Tips and Tricks

  •  Do take Mock Tests to know your Strengths’ & Weaknesses, take them seriously, and don’t get demotivated if you score less.

  •  Make a time table and go by the schedule.

  •  Do eat well before going. Keep yourself hydrated.

  •  Refer books, make notes as well online portals to know where you stand.

  •  Wrong answers will fetch you -0.25 marks and right answers will fetch you +1 marks.

  •  Prepare from starting don’t leave it for the last day, as hurriedness kills everything.

  •  Practice Previous Year Examinations’ Papers for the best insights.

  •  Read all the instructions before going for examinations.

  •  Keep yourself away from distractions like Televisions and Mobile Phones.

  •  Always save time for revision.

  •  Don’t get panicked, always reach on time, and try to calm your mind and body.

  •  Always be calm minded as worrying will only damage your concentration.


Youth4work Prep Tests

Online practice tests for competitive exams – are very unique and popular among aspirants. Aspirants can take self-designed mock-tests as well as practice for sections and topics separately. Youth4work’s unique and proprietary technology is helping lakhs of aspirants to reveal personal details on what are the strength areas of aspirants for any exam and also suggest how they can improve the performance.
Following are interesting insights from nearly 3.3 lakh question attempts on IBPS RRB exam practice tests on Youth4work. Every aspirant is rated on a Rating Scale. The ratings of the aspirants change with every question attempt.

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