मुख्य हाइलाइट
Application Fee
For General:600/- For 2A, 2B, 3A&3B: 300/- For Ex-Military Person: 50/-
Minimum Qualification
Candidate should be any degree
Age Limit
• Minimum age: 21 years • Maximum age: 35 years
Relaxation in Age for
• SC/ST category candidates- 5 years • Other backward category candidates- 3 years • Physically Handicapped or Widow candidates- 10 years
Selection Process
• Part I -Preliminary exam • Part II: Main Examination • Part III: Interview

Exam Pattern for Gazetted Probationers Exam

Mode of Exam: Offline, written test

Medium of exam: Bilingual, that is, Kannada and English languages.

Negative Marking: 0.25 for each wrong answer.

Minimum Marks to qualify: 35% in qualifying papers to be eligible for the personality test.

Question Types: The preliminary examination will be in objective type while the main examination will be in descriptive type.

Prelim Exam

Paper I

  • Name of the Subjects: 2, General studies related to National and International importance, Humanities
  • No. of Questions: GK-40, Humanities-60, total of 100
  • Total marks: 200 marks
  • Total duration: 2 hours

Paper II

  • Name of the Subjects: 3, General studies related to State importance, General Science & Technology Environment & Ecology, General Mental Ability
  • No. of Questions: 100
  • Total marks: 200 marks
  • Total duration: 2 hours

Those students who are able to qualify Paper I and Paper II will be shortlisted to appear for the Main exam.

Main Exam

There will be two Qualifying Papers (Kannada and English) along with seven other compulsory Papers.

  • Qualifying Papers: Kannada and English are both 2 hours for 150 marks.
  • Compulsory Papers: 7 in total, each of 3 hours for 250 marks

Compulsory Papers will have one paper on essay and four papers on GK; General Studies – 1, 2, 3 & 4. There will also be two optional papers; Optional Subject – 1 and Optional Subject – 2.

Number of Attempts in the Examination:

For SC/ST Candidates: Unlimited number of attempts

For OBC Candidates: 7 attempts

For General Candidates: 5 attempts

Syllabus Gazetted Probationers Exam

Paper – I 

·         World Geography and Geography of India & Karnataka.
·         National and International Importance & Current events.
·         Indian polity and economy, including the rural development, country’s political system, poverty alleviation, planning and economic reforms in India-sustainable development, demographics, social sector initiatives.
·         Humanities – cultural, social, economic, and political aspects with a focus on Indian national movement with particular emphasis on Karnataka – History of India, etc.

Paper – II 

·         General Mental Ability, – Comprehension, Decision-making, Logical Reasoning and Analytical ability, data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc., (Class X/SSLC level), problem-solving and Basic innumeracy (numbers and their relations, the order of magnitude, etc.,).
·         Current events of important State Government programs and State importance.
·         Environment & Ecology, General Science & Technology – contemporary developments in science and technology and their implications including matters of everyday experience and observations. As may be expected of a well-educated candidate – the special study of any scientific discipline general issues on environmental ecology, Health, biodiversity and climate change that do not require subject specialization.

Main Examination: Content Integration, Word Usage, Content Compression, Word Knowledge (Vocabulary), Short Essay, Translation from English to Kannada.

English: Precis writing, English Usage, Comprehension of given passages, Vocabulary, Communication Skills, Short Essay writing.

General Studies

·         Modern History of Indian Culture and India with particular reference to the Culture and History of Karnataka.
·         Current events of International, National, and State importance.
·         Indian Economy and Geography of India with Special reference to Karnataka Geography and Karnataka Economy.
·         The role and impact of Science and Technology in the development of India and Karnataka.
·         Graphs, Diagrams, and Statistical Analysis.
·         Indian Polity with the particular reference to Karnataka State.

Tips to crack Gazetted Probationers Exam
You need speed to finish the Gazetted Probationers Exam within the prescribed time limit. Go through the detailed topics listed on KPSC official website and start with the ones that you are good at. Practise reasoning and mathematics problems by memorising formulas.
•             Have a strategy/study plan regarding what to do and how to do. Also, maintain a time table and allow time for each subject chapter wise so that you can track your progress as you move forward. After each study session keeps 1 hour for revision of topics learned/practised.
•             Make mathematics/reasoning your strong suit, practise questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. The trick here is to mug up formulas, reasoning orders by heart, so they come in handy while solving a problem.
•             Become smart by attempting questions that you are sure of first, then come to the questions you’re in doubt. But don’t attempt them anyway, remember negative marking is a factor here. Therefore, only attempt a question if you really know the answer to.
•             Manage your time properly; give an appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practising as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.
•             Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.
•             It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain an appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

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