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Its February Left. I have not completed 50% syllabus and I want to score above 95%. What should I do?

Help me Please. If you think I am your brother. I have an intelligent mind .I dont know how to complete syllabus and revise in February. I want to score 95% !!!

  • Yadvendra
  • 3026 दृश्य
  • 2 उत्तर
2 उत्तर
  • Firstly ,You should not loose hope and not be disappointed.You still have some time and can do well.If not 95%,you can surely achieve good marks.You just need to do hardwork and study smartly.Go through previous years exam papers and study those topics first,which are mostly asked in previous papers.If you are done with that,then you can study further /ALL THE BEST!!

  • u should do targeted study day one chapter of each subjects..moreover u should do sample papers for understanding the type of question...u should also complete ur studies 5 days before exam to revise

मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
class 12