Tips or Tricks and good study plan for BVP CET Exam.

Please suggest a good Study plan and Tips or Tricks for Bharti Vidyapeeth University Engineering Entrance Exam BVP CET Entrance Exam preparation.

  • Upasana
  • 26 जुलाई
  • 4242 दृश्य
  • 3 उत्तर
Your Answer

Always start your preparation so early that there is no sign of tension or stress caused by examination fear.
Eat healthy food rich in proteins, fiber-rich, magnesium-rich foods, and don't eat too much as it is not good for health.
Revise so well that it becomes very difficult to lose marks in the examination.
Repeat, Revise, Relearn as many times as you can before the examination.
Please do stop eating unhealthy and fast foods as they can cause a lot of damage to your memory.
Drink liquids as frequently as possible, as they can keep your brain work better and efficient in remembering the contents which you have learned for examination.
Always have a plan which works better for you, as different people need different strategies as the same strategy won't work for all the people.
Finally, Have faith in your ability and capability that you can do it and strongly believe in yourself.

bharti vidyapeeth university engineering entrance exam bvp cet
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bharti vidyapeeth university engineering entrance exam bvp cet