BITSAT Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, Previous Year Question Papers Download

Birla Institute of Technology and Science or BITS every year conduct the national level exam for admission in Engineering-Degree programs at all three campuses of  BITS. BITS is one of the most reputed and leading institutes with a huge craze for admission in engineering course in India. BITS conduct an entrance exam namely BITSAT for the admission in the engineering and other courses with the cut-off being the deciding factor for the eligibility of an aspirant for admission in Institute's campuses. The Entrance Exam consists of 4 sections based on Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English efficiency and Logical Reasoning. With a total of 150 questions and a time allotment of 3 hours on an online based exam BITS entrance has set a standard of difficulty which is not easy to outscore.


 Eligibility Criteria  |  Exam Pattern  |  Syllabus  |  Tips and Tricks  |  Take Free Mock Tests 

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Birla Institute Of Technology And Science Aptitude Test Bitsat Entrance Exam का
Application Form:
Start Date : 11 January 2020 End Date : 31 March 2020
Admit Card:
20 April to 12 May 2020
Exam Date:
16 May to 25 May 2020
Exam Fee:
For Male Candidates: Rs. 3300/- For Female Candidates: Rs. 2800/-
Educational Qualification:
75% minimum in Physics, Chemistry and Maths or Biology
Exam Duration:
3 Hours
Marking Scheme:
For Every Correct Answer : 3 Marks For Every Wrong Answer : -1 Marks


Important Dates of BITSAT:

  • Deadline to apply online for BITSAT: 31 March 2020

  • Revision/editing (online) in the application form by candidates: 1 April to 6 April 2020

  • Test center allotment and announcement to candidates: Last week of March 2020

  • Candidates to reserve test date and slot: 10 April to 18 April 2020

  • Candidates to download the hall tickets with instructions: 20 April to 12 May 2020

  • Bitsat online tests: 16 May to 25 May 2020

  • Apply for admission with 12th marks and preferences: 2020

  • Admit list and wait list announcement: 20 June 2020

​BITSAT: Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification:

  • Aspirants must have passed the Class 12th examination (10+2) system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • They should also possess adequate proficiency in English.
  • Aspirant must have obtained a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects (if he/she has taken Mathematics in BITSAT) or a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects (if he/she has taken Biology in BITSAT) subjects in 12th examination, with at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics / Biology subjects.

BITSAT: Exam Pattern

The BITSAT will be a 180 minutes long online test without any break. The total number of questions asked will be 150. The question will be asked in English only. No calculators will be allowed in the examination centres but students will be provided with papers for rough work. The test will have four sections;

Part 1, Physics carrying 40 objective type questions

Part 2, Chemistry carrying 40 objective type questions

Part 3, (a) English Proficiency carrying 15 objective type questions & (b) Logical Reasoning carrying 10 objective type questions

Part 4, Mathematics/Biology (For B.Pharm) carrying 45 objective type questions

Marking scheme: There will be negative marking scheme as one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and 3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.


BITSAT: Syllabus
Units & MeasurementFundamental measurements in Physics (Vernier calipers, screw gauge, Physical balance etc)KinematicsProperties of vectorsNewton’s Laws of MotionImpulse and MomentumWork and EnergyRotational MotionGravitationMechanics of Solids and Fluids, Elasticity, OscillationsWaves,
Doppler Effect, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction, Optics, Modern Physics, Electronic Devices, etc.
States of Matter, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics, Physical and Chemical Equilibria, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, Hydrogen and s-block elements, p- d- and f-block elements, Principles of Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons, Stereochemistry, Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen, Biological, Industrial and Environmental chemistry, Theoretical Principles of Experimental Chemistry, etc.
English Proficiency 
Grammar; Agreement, Time and Tense, Parallel construction, Relative pronouns, Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, Adjectives, Voice, Transformation, Question tags, Phrasal verbs.
Vocabulary; Synonyms, Antonyms, Odd Word, One Word, Jumbled letters, Homophones, Spelling, Contextual meaning, Analogy.
Reading Comprehension; Content/ideas, Vocabulary, Referents, Idioms/Phrases, Reconstruction.
Composition; Rearrangement, Paragraph Unity, Linkers/Connectives.
Logical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning, Analogy, Classification, Series Completion, Logical Deduction – Reading Passage, Chart, Logic
Nonverbal Reasoning
Pattern Perception, Figure Formation and Analysis, Paper Cutting, Figure Matrix, Rule Detection
Algebra, Trigonometry, Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Three-dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Differential calculus, Integral calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Probability, Vectors, Statistics, Linear Programming, Mathematical modelling
Diversity in Living World, Cell: The Unit of Life; Structure and Function, Genetics and Evolution, Structure and Function – Plants, Structure and Function – Animals, Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants, Reproduction and Development in Humans, Ecology and Environment, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology and its Applications

Tips and Tricks for BITSAT:
Refer to BITSAT syllabus in the brochure available on BITS official website.
·         You need speed to finish BITSAT within prescribed time limit. Go through the topics in the brochure and start with the ones that you are good at. Practise reasoning and mathematics problems by memorising formulas.
·         After each study session keep 1 hour for revision of topics learned/practised. Learn Chemical reactions by writing over and over.
·         Make mathematics your strong suit, practise questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. The trick here is to mug up math formulas by heart, so they come in handy while solving a problem.
·         Become smart by attempting questions that you are sure of first, then come to the questions you’re in doubt. But don’t attempt them anyway, remember negative marking is a factor here. Therefore, only attempt a question if you really know the answer to.
·         Manage your time properly; give appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.
·         Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.
·         It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Youth4work Prep Tests

Online practice tests for competitive exams – are very unique and popular among aspirants. Aspirants can take self-designed mock-tests as well as practice for sections and topics separately. Youth4work’s unique and proprietary technology is helping lakhs of aspirants to reveal personal details on what are the strength areas of aspirants for any exam and also suggest how they can improve the performance.
Following are interesting insights from nearly lakhs of question attempts on BITSAT practice tests on Youth4work. Every aspirant is rated on a Rating Scale. The ratings of the aspirants change with every question attempt.

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