LPU NEST for MBA Exam Details, Eligibility Criteria, Previous Year Question Papers Download

Every year, LPU NEST for MBA Admission is conducted by Lovely Professional University. LPU National Entrance and Scholarship Test is conducted to offer admissions to the aspiring candidates into various MBA programs as offered by the exam conducting authority. The exam is conducted in two schedules; first and second schedule. The first schedule for the exam has been conducted from 21st January to 5th February 2019. Second schedule for LPU NEST 2019 will be held from 5th to 30th April 2019. Aspirants willing to appear for LPU NEST can fill in and submit their applications till 31st March 2019.

 Eligibility Criteria  |  Exam Pattern  |  Syllabus  |  Tips and Tricks  |  

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Lpu Nest For Mba Admission का
Application Fees
Rs. 800 (Male Applicants) Rs. 500 (Female Applicants)
Educational Qualification
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a UGC-recognized university with minimum 55% aggregate
Exam Date
May Schedule: June 03-30, 2020 June/July Schedule: Till July 31, 2020
Exam Duration
60 minutes
Mode of Conduct
No. of Sections
General Awareness General Aptitude English
Exam Pattern
English: 20 questions General Awareness: 20 questions General Aptitude: 10 questions
Marking Scheme
3 marks for each correct answer No negative marking

LPU NEST for MBA Important Dates:

The exam will be conducted on two schedules: May Schedule (Phase-1) and June & July Schedule (Phase-2). The LPU NEST will be an online test that the candidates can take from their home to avoid contact and going out at the time of COVID-19 Outbreak. The dates for the LPU NEST for the admission in MBA are mentioned here:

  • The application forms for MBA have ended on June 01, 2020, for the May schedule.

  • The application forms will begin from June 02, 2020, and the last date to submit the LPU NEST MBA application is July 15, 2020.

  • The interview for MBA can be scheduled from April 22, 2020, onwards for the May Schedule and for the June/July Schedule are ongoing.

  • The interview for MBA is being conducted from April 26, 2020, onwards for May Schedule and June/July Schedule interviews are ongoing.

  • The results for the online exam will be declared on the official website of Lovely Professional University after the four days of the entrance examination.

  • The admission process can be initiated after 7 days of the result declaration.

  • The applicants who are aspiring for admission in MBA scholarship can book the slot for the online examination from June 03 – 25, 2020 for the May Schedule.

  • For June/July Schedule, the applicants can book the slot for the LPU NEST MBA Exam till July 25, 2020.

  • The online LPU NEST MBA Exam is conducted from June 07 – 30, 2020 for the May Schedule.

  • The online LPU NEST MBA Exam will be conducted till July 31, 2020, for the June and July Schedule.

  • The result will be declared after 4 days of the online examination on the official website of LPU.

Eligibility Criteria for LPU NEST for MBA Exam:

The aspirants who are willing to take admission in Lovely Professional University in the MBA programme are required to look for the eligibility criteria. The first step towards the admission is the meet the eligibility criteria required for the programme. 

1. Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for the admission in the Lovely Professional University in the MBA Programme.

2. The applicants who have qualified graduation in 2020 or appearing for the final examination in 2020 are eligible to apply for the LPU NEST for MBA. 

3. The applicants must have qualified Bachelor's Degree with a minimum of 55% marks from the recognized university/College/Institution.



LPU NEST MBA Exam Pattern:

The Management entrance test seeks the candidate’s analyzing capabilities and knowledge. The LPU NEST for MBA will be an online test that will be comprised of 50 Objective Questions that are required to be solved in the 60 minutes. The questions will be from English, General Aptitude, and General Awareness. Each section will have an equal weightage of 3 marks that will make it a total of 150 marks.

The 50 questions will be asked in the online proctored LPUNEST from home. The test will be a scholarship test that will provide scholarships to the meritorious students on the basis of the score. The scholarship is Rs. 24500- 44100 per semester that a student will get after scoring in the LPUNEST. Direct admission is a part of this LPUNEST where students will be interviewed by the expert panel.

The Lovely Professional University National Entrance and Scholarship Test will ensure that due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there should be no loss to the student’s academic year. The admission procedure has been entirely shifted to the online process. The test from the home facility will safeguard the students from going out and appear for the exam. The application process for LPUNEST for MBA can be done through the official website of LPU.

The Indian candidates must have qualified Graduation examination with an aggregate of 55% marks from any recognized University/College/Institution. The Interview scheduling are in the process, the applicants who are applying for the scholarship are required to book the slot for the online examination. The online LPU NEST for MBA will be conducted till July 31, 2020, for the June/July Schedule.

Key Highlights of the LPUNEST Exam Pattern for MBA:

  1. Mode of Examination: Online

  2. The medium of Exam: English only

  3. Duration of the exam: 1 hour (60 Minutes)

  4. Total number of Questions: 50 MCQs

  5. Sections in the exam: 3Sections

    1. English: 20 Questions

    2. General Aptitude: 20 Questions

    3. General Awareness: 10 Questions

  6. 3 marks will be granted for every correct answer and no marks will be subtracted for the wrong answer and unattempted questions.

  7. Maximum marks for the exam: 150 marks

  8. Type of Questions: Objective type, Multiple-Choice Questions

  9. Exam conducting authority: Lovely Professional University

Syllabus of LPU NEST Exam: 

General Awareness

Indian History, Indian Politics, Indian Economy, Financial and Economic news, Budget and National Plan, Who is Who, Sports Events, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, Science Invention and Discoveries, Abbreviations, Important Days and Weeks, International and National Organizations, Current National and International Affairs.

General Aptitude

Numbers, Percentage, Profit, Loss & Discount, Ratio & Proportion, Simple & Compound Interest, Permutation & Combination & Probability, Time & Distance, Boats & streams, Races & Games, Time & Work, Pipes & Cistern, Calendar & Clocks, Area, Series completion & Coding – Decoding & Alphabet test, Direction sense test & Blood relations & arrangements, Syllogism, Number, Ranking & Time sequence test, Arithmetical reasoning, Inserting the missing character, Data sufficiency, Cubes and dice, Non-verbal reasoning.


Grammar, Associative Language Skills, Common Errors, Comprehension Passage

Preparation tips for LPU NEST Exam:

  • Plan your preparations well and then execute.

  • Go through the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly, and plan accordingly which topic needs more time and attention.

  • Make sure to have a proper schedule before starting your preparations.

  • Practice online mock tests, sample papers, and previous year question papers.

  • Youth4work has online mock tests with a defined time limit to help you increase your speed and accuracy.


Youth4work Prep Tests

Online practice tests for competitive exams – are very unique and popular among aspirants. Aspirants can take self-designed mock-tests as well as practice for sections and topics separately. Youth4work’s unique and proprietary technology is helping lakhs of aspirants to reveal personal details on what are the strength areas of aspirants for any exam and also suggest how they can improve the performance.
Following are interesting insights from nearly lakhs of question attempts on LPU NEST practice tests on Youth4work. Every aspirant is rated on a Rating Scale. The ratings of the aspirants change with every question attempt.

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