sir, If I have completed my graduation in May 2017.But I want to focus on giving CAT 2018.So, should I do that?will this decision affect my admission in IIMs and other top B-schools?
- 3081 दृश्य
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5 उत्तर
- 20 सितम्बर
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Yes,because it is easy to give an exam after one years total preparations. It is also difficult to crack exam in one year after graduation.
- 13 अगस्त
- 0 टिप्पणी
no, it's needed to answer well in cat and interviews.thats only matters to get into IIM
- 28 अगस्त
- 0 टिप्पणी
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मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
Thanks vivek, Its very useful.