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Anyone please share the preparation tips for CDS 2017 exam!

Good tips with which i can crack the exam.

Your Answer

Tips for CDS exam:
·       Try not to attempt the questions which you do not know as there is a provision of negative marks.
·       The cut off marks of individual subject that is for English is 22 marks, genera knowledge is 23 marks and that for mathematics is around 30 marks and overall cut-off for IMA is 105-110 marks and that for Navy and Air force is above 125 marks.
·       The above trend shows that you need to attempt paper smartly for qualifying it.
·        My suggestion is try scoring at least 55 marks in mathematics and in English try scoring at least 45 marks and that in general knowledge at least 35 marks.
·       The above said marks can only be obtained if you do not mark wrong answer. Only answer those questions in which you are 100 percent sure.
·       Hope following above strategy will help you qualify the CDS exam in first attempt itself.


मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए