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Driver Knowledge Test Dkt Australia

When starting to overtake you see the dividing lines.......

When starting to overtake you see the dividing lines ahead change to double unbroken lines. What should you do? A. Keep overtaking and cut in in front of the other car as soon a ...

You are waiting at an intersection and the lights are red. The traffic...

You are waiting at an intersection and the lights are red. The traffic lights change to green. You should: A. Wait until the traffic behind you makes you move. B. Cross the int ...

You want to turn left at this intersection. There is....

You want to turn left at this intersection. There is an edge line that continues through the intersection. Are you permitted to turn here? A. Yes, only if you are in a taxi, hir ...

What are the Tips for passing DKT AUSTRALIA Test?

What are the Tips for passing Driving Knowledge Test Australia Test? Please tell me

To reduce the effect of alcohol before driving or riding you should

1) Wait. The time depends on how much you have drunk. 2) Drink black coffee. 3) Have a glass of water. 4) None of these Reply to my question

मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
Driver Knowledge Test Dkt Australia