GATE syllabus for Computer science

I need some help regarding the syllabus and exam pattern?

  • Deepshikha
  • 16 अक्तूबर
  • 4357 दृश्य
  • 18 उत्तर
Your Answer

Pattern of Question Papers: Total 65 queries (ALL Objective Type) Total Marks: a hundred every question has solely one correct answer.
GATE Computer science Examination will be on-line.

GATE Computer science would contain questions of four differing kinds in engineering papers: :
1. Multiple choice queries carrying one or two marks every. Common data queries, where 2 ordered queries use the same set of computer file. Linked answer queries, where the answer to the primary question of the combine is needed so as to answer its successor.
2. Numerical answer questions, where the answer may be a variety, to be entered by the candidate using the mouse and a virtual input device that can be provided on the screen.
Note: Sectional cut-off (Technical / Non-Technical like Engineering mathematics & General Aptitude) square measure not applied in GATE communication.

In all the papers, there will be a complete of sixty five queries carrying a hundred marks, out of which ten queries carrying fifteen marks in General power (GA) square measure mandatory.

NOTE: General Aptitude (GA-15 Marks) is common for the entire engineering branch (Computer Science-CS). Question of General Aptitude can stay same for branches control in same seating.

Engineering Mathematics can carry fifteen the troubles of the full marks, the General Aptitude section can carry V-day of the full marks and also the remaining seventy take advantage of the full marks is technical in nature.

Engineering Mathematics information for Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering & Instrumentation Engineering is same and same question would be asked in the examination of gate 2015.

Engineering Mathematics information for Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering is same and same question would be asked within the examination of gate 2015.

Few topics of engineering mathematics square measure common for pc Science & IT Engineering, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Civil, Instrumentation, Chemical and mechanical engineering.

Marking scheme: Negative marking of 1/3rd for one marks question and Negative marking of 2/3rd for two marks question.

Unattempted question: No Marks

Linked answer question pair: every question carries two marks, 2/3 mark will be subtracted for a wrong answer to the primary question solely. There is no negative marking for wrong answer to the second question of the

gate computer science (cs)
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
gate computer science (cs)