Engineering JEE- Advanced Test Exam Details, Pattern and Previous Year Papers Download

JEE Advanced is the Joint Entrance Examination, an all India common engineering entrance examination conducted for admission to various engineering colleges and courses all over the country. This JEE exam is the second stage of JEE (Main). Through this exam, candidates get admissions into IIT & IIM. Candidates must secure 75% aggregate marks in their 10+2 to apply for JEE advanced test. The exam will be held through offline mode. The exam consists of two papers- Paper1 & Paper2. There are three separate sections in both the paper namely Physics, Chemistry & Maths. The questions asked in the exam are MCQs and numerical based also. The duration of the exam will be of 3 hours. There is a total of 36 questions in both sections. It is mandatory for the candidate to attend both sections. With lots of students applying for JEE- Advanced, the competition becomes hard. Thus, candidates are thus advised to practice mock tests and previous year questions papers to prepare well.

Eligibility  Exam Pattern  Syllabus  Tips, and Tricks  Take Free Mock Test   

मुख्य हाइलाइट
Jee Advance का
10th and 12th-75% Candidate must be from Science stream
Exam Duration
180 minutes
Application fees
Female- 1200/- Male-2400/-
Exam Level
Exam Date
To Be Announced
Registration Period
To Be announced
No. of Sections
Physics Chemistry Mathematics


JEE Advance: Important Dates


Registration: to be announced

Exam Date: To be announced


JEE Advanced: Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must hold 75% in 10th and 12th grade.
  • Candidate must be from Science stream.

JEE Advanced: Exam Pattern

Engineering JEE- Advanced is an exam through which candidate get admissions in IIT and IIM.

Mode of Conduct: The exam happens in an offline mode, with two papers.

Sections in Exam: Each paper has sections as Physicals, Chemistry and Maths.

Total Questions: There are 36 questions in the exam.

Exam Duration: The time duration is of 3 hours.

Marking Scheme: There is 0.25 negative marking.


JEE Advanced: Syllabus

  • Physics- Topics from Unit & dimensions, dimensional analysis, Kinematics in one & two dimensions, Linear & angular simple harmonic motions, Hooks law etc. 
  • Chemistry- Topics from concepts of atoms and molecules, neutralization, Absolute scale of temperature, root mean square and most probable velocities and their relation with temperature. 
  • Maths- Topics from Algebra of complex numbers, addition, multiplication, conjugation, Trigonometric functions, periodicity and graphs, Cartesian coordinates. 


JEE Advanced: Tips and Tricks

  • Candidates must attempt questions carefully.
  • Candidates must revise their school-based concepts.
  • Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.

Youth4work Prep Tests

Online practice tests for competitive exams – are very unique and popular among aspirants. Aspirants can take self-designed mock-tests as well as practice for sections and topics separately. Youth4work’s unique and proprietary technology is helping lakhs of aspirants to reveal personal details on what are the strength areas of aspirants for any exam and also suggest how they can improve the performance.
Following are interesting insights from over 2 lakh question attempts on Engineering JEE- Advcanced Placement practice paper on Youth4work. Every aspirant is rated on a Rating Scale. The ratings of the aspirants change with every question.

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