how to achieve maximum no. in chemistry?


  • Anurag
  • 22 जनवरी
  • 4286 दृश्य
  • 5 उत्तर
Your Answer

Among the three science subjects, many students agree that Chemistry is relatively easy -- Physics comes with complex numerical and Biology with intricate diagrams. Last year, JEE analysis experts said that Chemistry was the easiest paper. However, the Chemistry portion is very vast. If you want to study Chemistry well, pick up one chapter at a time and study it well. Alcohols have been given a lot of importance in the board exams and in JEE Main as well.

Here are a few tips on how to study Alcohols for Chemistry board exams and JEE:

1. Get your foundation right
Before you start studying Alcohols, ensure that you have thoroughly studied Hydrocarbons, Organic Chemistry, and Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
This will help you form the framework that helps you understand various concepts and equations. It will also help you remember reactions more easily

2. Learn important concepts
Before you start making notes and diving deep into each concept, read through the chapter and understand its scope
You should start with concepts that don’t have any chemical reactions. These concepts are relatively easy
If you are struggling with confidence when it comes to understanding Chemistry, this is the way to go!

3. Understand and practice the reactions
Once you have learned the basic nomenclature and physical properties, move on to the reactions!
Make flashcards of all the various types of reactions
Go through practice questions in your eLearning app to map out the ones that are very popular with paper setters.

4. Get your doubts solved immediately
If you don’t understand how you went wrong while practicing various equations, you will end up repeating the same mistakes over and over again
If you can’t understand the reasons behind your mistakes, don’t wait until the end of the year to ask your teacher
You should address your doubts as soon as you make a mistake. This will help you learn faster.

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