GRE - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question, Answer, time?

GRE - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question, Answer, time? PLEASE TELL

  • Pallavi
  • 01 दिसम्बर
  • 6054 दृश्य
  • 5 उत्तर
Your Answer

Hlo Pallavi,the exam pattern for the exam is as follows:GRE consists of three sections-
1.    Analytical Writing
In this section, your ability to analyse the given situation and facts are checked. You will be given a topic on which you have to write your views in a perfect and attractive manner.
2.    Verbal Reasoning
In this section, your capacity to understand the author’s point of view is checked through reading comprehensions and text completion. It might be tricky for someone who is not that goof in English.
3.    Quantitative Reasoning
     This section comprises of mathematics and concepts of arithmetic,  algebra, geometry and data interpretation. This section checks your knowledge of mathematics.

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