Have you ever created a game in Unity? It is very difficult? how to do it?

Have you ever seen or paid attention to game creations in Unity? I'm sure yes, the possibilities and options that Unity has to create games are many and you can do hundreds and hundreds there, of course, yes, being a professional, I always wonder how difficult it can be to create a game in Unity ? I have no idea how to develop something there, does anyone know how to do it or have any idea of ​​a developer who can do it?

  • Steve
  • 26 अगस्त
  • 5024 दृश्य
  • 8 उत्तर
Your Answer
  • Erik Eri Erik
  • 07 दिसम्बर

Actually, it's not difficult. The Unity engine remains a simple engine to this day. Firstly, it works on any device, and secondly, despite its simplicity, the games turn out to be pretty good graphics.

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