can anyone suggest me some books for pgt English

book for pgt English

  • Kavita
  • 08 जुलाई
  • 1788 दृश्य
  • 2 उत्तर
Your Answer

The present book for KVS PGT Selection Examination has been divided into two parts namely Part I and Part II. The first section covers English and Hindi whereas second section covers Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Teaching Methodology and Current Affairs, each divided into number of chapters as per the syllabi of the recruitment examination. The English section covers Common Errors, Spelling Rules, Synonyms & Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Active & Passive Voice, Idioms & Phrases, etc. The Reasoning section covers both verbal and non-verbal reasoning whereas the Numerical Ability section has been divided into Simplification, Factorization, Average, Percentage, Area, Geometry, Time & Distance, Partnership, etc whereas the Teaching Methodology has been divided into English Teaching, Hindi Teaching, Mathematics Teaching, Science Teaching and Social Studies Teaching. The Current Affairs section has been divided into Sports, Awards, Appointments, National Events, Book & Authors, Economy Current, etc. Each chapter in the book contains ample number of solved problems which have been designed on the lines of questions asked in the previous years’ KVS PGT Selection Examination. Also practice exercises containing unsolved problems have also been provided at the end of each chapter. A special section namely Study Plan for Success has been given in the beginning of the book to help aspirants attain success in the upcoming selection examination.

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