I didn't get syllabus topic wise . where I have to check?

Plz tell me from where I should collect ?

  • Pantao
  • 05 दिसम्बर
  • 2468 दृश्य
  • 1 उत्तर
Your Answer

The IBPS clerk exam consists five sections that is English, reasoning, quantitative, general awareness and computer. For the better preparation and to make a strategy plan to prepare for IBPS Clerk exam you must aware of all the topics, syllabus and exam pattern. Some of the important topics that are asked in the exam are as follows:
Important topics for Quantitative aptitude
Data Interpretation, Quadratic Equations
Number Series, Interest, Mensuration
Trains and Time & distance problems
Profit & Loss and, Time & Work, Mixture problems
Percentage & Average, Simplification
Important topics for English
Passage, Re-arrange the Sentences
Sentence Correction
Fill in the Blanks (Idioms, Antonyms-Synonyms, one word)
Error Detection, Cloze Test
Important topics for Reasoning Ability
Seating arrangement, Input-Output
Coding-Decoding, Syllogism
Blood relations, Equality-Inequalities
Statements, Series description
Direction and Distance
Important topics for General awareness
Important Days, Abbreviations
Books and Authors
Current Affairs (National and International)
International and National Organizations
Awards and Honors, Budget
Regarding sports
Imporatant topics for Computer Knowledge
History of computers, Basics of Windows operating
Internet terms and services, Basic Functionalities of MS-Office
Hardware and software
All the best

ibps clerk prelims exam
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ibps clerk prelims exam