What is the right method to tackle such exams so that maximum questions are answered?
Trick to solve questions
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- 01 सितम्बर
- 0 टिप्पणी
The right method is that one should be extremely focused during the exam. We should not waste even slightest of time. Once the Test begins, do not waste your time in reading the entire paper rather you should start in a planned manner. You should have already decided in which order you are going to solve the paper. Since these questions are of objective type, read a particular question and immediately mark your answer on the answer sheet. In case you find a particular question difficult, skip the question and go on to the next question. The question so skipped may be solved at the end, if time is available.
- 11 दिसम्बर
- 0 टिप्पणी
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Hello, Large no. of candidates appear for the banking exams every year due to the perks and benefits provided by the bank posts.br /IBPS has released IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB recruitment and soon going to released the IBPS SO recruitment.br /there is hude cometition in the banking sector due to less no. of seats and large no. of competitors.So one need to prepare very hard and with full stretagy.br /Make a proper plan that how you will attend the questions in the exam.br /To get an idea about it, solve the practice papers or previous year papers at home. Solve the paper according to the exam time limit.br /After solving analyze your mistakes and improve them.br /It will help you to get familiar with the type of questions and paper pattern, which will help you to solve questions speedly.br /Clear your basics and Learn all the important formulas.br /Use short tricks while solving problems.br /Learn tables, cubes and squares upto the 25 for faster calculation.br /There are few days left in IBPS clerk exam. Make a strategy and start (upreparation for the IBPS/u) exams as soon as possible. these tips will save your time and you can solve maximum questions. all the best.