what is the pattern of ibps po


  • Ashutosh
  • 09 अक्तूबर
  • 2739 दृश्य
  • 6 उत्तर
Your Answer

IPS PO pre-
English Language   30 questions - 30 marks
Quantitative Aptitude  35 qustions - 35 marks
Reasoning Ability  35 questions - 35 marks

TOTAL100 marks paper and you have to complete it in 1 hour.


Reasoning & Computer  Aptitude  45 questions - 60 marks
English Language  35 questions - 40 marks
Data Analysis & Interpretation  35 questions - 60 marks
General Awareness (with special reference to Banking)  40 questiosn - 40 marks

Total marks - 200 and total time 3 hours.

There will be negative marking of one-fourth of the marks assigned to that question. There will be no negative marking for unattempted questions.

ibps rrb office assistant mains exam
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
ibps rrb office assistant mains exam