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What is difference between ibps po prelims and ibps so prelims?

The level of questions are same or tougher than po exams

  • Bharti
  • 23801 दृश्य
  • 4 उत्तर
4 उत्तर
  • Hello,br /IBPS PO and IBPS SO have many difference as per the syllabus or job profilr. both are the different in many /If we talk about the IBPS PO it is the entry level officer post. The responsibilities are general bank task handling, cash or check issue, loan processing, new account or dd approval, business inhancement /The IBPS SO is being conducted for the IT officer, HR officer, Law officer, Marketing Officer, agriculture officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari posts. These are technical posts which required the technical knowledge in the releted /if we talk about the syllabus or exam pattern IBPS PO exam consists fice section that are English, reasoning, computer, quantitative and general awareness section. IBPS PO exam is conducted in two parts i.e. prelims and main exam. After clearning both exam one is called for the /IBPS SO exam consist four section along with a professional knowledge. The exam consists prelims and mains. canddates who clears prelims are selected for the main exam. The IBPS SO consist English, Reasoning and quantitative section in prelims while professional knowledge in main /IBPS has released the IBPS SO 2018 exam online application form. Check the IBPS SO 2018 online application process /There are some changes made in both the exams that candidates should keep in mind while preparing. You must check the eligibility criteria for the exam that you fulfill the criteria and can appear for the exam or /br / 

  • IBPS conducts the PO examination for the recruitment of candidates for the role of Probationary Officers at various participating institutes. Probationary Officers are entry level officers who start their role as a officer at various banks. IBPS SO is conducted for the recruitment of Specialist Officers. As the name suggests, Specialist officers are hired for special roles in the banks and hence requires some substantial amount of experience.

  • IBPS conducts strongSO/strong exam to recruit strongspecialist officers/strong across different disciplines like IT, Marketing, HR, Law etc. andbr /strongPO/strong exam to recruit strongprobationary officers/strong in public sector banks across the countrybr /br /since both the posts have got different nature of work the syllabus for prelims will also vary slightly. So go though the notification released by IBPS and /all the best

  • Dued it so simple IBPS PO is For strongProbationary Officer/strong In strongBanks/strong. It is the starting level appointment of the strongbank/strong /and IBPS SO is for Specialist Officer in Banks.  It has different roles and posts like IT Officer, Law Officer, HR Officer, Marketing Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Agricultural Field Officer, etc.

मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
ibps specialist officer