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प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट
yटेस्ट्स -कौशल टेस्ट
तैयारी टेस्ट
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पोस्ट को फिर से शुरू
yटेस्ट्स -कौशल टेस्ट
तैयारी टेस्ट
का पालन नियोक्ता
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संपर्क पूर्व मूल्यांकन प्रोफाइल
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कस्टम आकलन
सदस्यता योजनाओं
साइन इन करें
रजिस्टर करें
नि: शुल्क !!
Online Prep Test
Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro)
Is there any age relaxation for the female candidates in ISRO exam?
Is there any age relaxation for the female candidates in ISRO exam?
Is ISRO is giving any age relaxation to female candidates for the scientist engineer post?
25 मई
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25 मई
Not specifically, but age relaxation is applicable to Ex-Servicemen & PWD only as per GOI orders.
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when ISRO exam is conducted for polytechnic diploma csndidates ? what is exam pattern & syllabus of mechanical engineering deploma ?
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if anyone want to join isro and he score in GATE exam is also good but his aggregate is not 65% then he is not applicable for isro??
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indian space research organisation (isro)
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