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मुख्य हाइलाइट
Lic Ado Recruitment का
Computer Based Test
Application Fees - Gen Rs.500/- SC/ST Category - Rs 100/-
Important dates: Date of Examination - will be updated soon Date of Application form- will be updated soon Result- will be updated soon
Age Limit - General: Minimum 21 years and Maximum 30yrs Age Relaxation: OBC - 30 years(3 years relaxation) SC/ST - 30 years(5 years relaxation)
National Level Examination
Educational Qualification: Minimum educational qualification required to appear for the LIC AAO exam is a Bachelor's or Master's degree in any stream.
Selection Procedure: The selection will be made on the basis of objective type online exam which is followed by an interview.
Lic Ado Recruitment मॉक टेस्ट लें
मॉक टेस्ट ले
1032 प्रयास