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Computer Knowledge Nabard Prelim Exam के लिए अभ्यास मॉक टेस्ट

Only a master in computers can solve all the questions related to Keyboard Shortcuts. Prove your knowledge and skills with our preparation test online for free and work on the weak sections too.

Your wait is over! We are providing you some mock series with the best arrangement of important questions of the Networking section. Clear your NABARD recruitment test with effective preparation.

DBMS or Database Management System can be the toughest section in NABARD recruitment exams as most of the applicants are non-technical. Try NABARD mock test and prepare online for DBMS under computer knowledge section.

Grab the opportunity to clear your basics of MS Office and enhance your computer knowledge with our preparation test designed by experts and exclusively available now for the aspirants who are eagerly searching for the right platform.

Charles Babbage invented the first computer in which year? Need to keep in touch with the History Of Computer section to clear the NABARD exams. Practice other sections too for free. Register now!

Reasoning Ability

English Language

Computer Knowledge

General Awareness

Quantitative Aptitude

Economic and Social Issues

Agriculture and Rural Development