What is the eligibility criteria for SAIL recruitment?

It is possible to apply as departmental candidate? Is it possible to apply for more than one discipline?

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  • Eligibility Criteria for SAIL 
    Nationality:       Only Indians can apply
    Qualifying Examination:   Candidates must have completed full time 4 years bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology. Department candidates who are AMIE qualified are eligible.
    Pass Percentage:  General and OBC (NCL) category candidates need to have secured minimum 65% aggregate marks (average of all semesters in all years)
    SC/ ST and PwD category candidates need a minimum 55% aggregate marks in the qualifying test
    Final year students:    Not eligible
    Age Limit:        The maximum age limit for the General category candidates is 28 years. Relaxation to different category candidates as follows
    5 years for SC & ST
    3 years for OBC-NC
    10 years for PWD (UR)
    13 years for PWD (OBC-NC)
    15 years for PWD (SC/ST) candidates
    Candidates domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from January 1, 1982, to December 31, 1991, can avail relaxation up to 5 years
    Departmental candidates should not be more than 45 years

  • It is not possible to apply for more than one discipline in SAIL. For example, a candidate can’t apply for both for Electrical and Mechanical within MT(Tech) as he has to appear for only 1 GATE paper. The minimum marks has to be 65% and not less than that. The rounding off principle will not be accepted for the minimum eligibility marks for any discipline or category. The personal details, once entered and submitted cannot be changed. However the email Id and mobile no. would be verified for issue of application/ registration number.

  • SAIL Recruitment through GATE 2018 – The Steel Authority of India Ltd has announced recruitment through GATE 2018 for Management Trainees (Technical) for the first time. Application forms for the SAIL recruitment through GATE were available from February 1 to 21, 2018. Candidates who are graduate engineers in Mechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical, Chemical, Instrumentation and Mining Engineering will be eligible to apply for the SAIL recruitment through GATE 2018

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