SBI Prelim Exam JA and JAA exam pattern
What is the pattern of SBI Prelim Exam JA and JAA?
- 2767 दृश्य
- 5 उत्तर
- 09 अप्रैल
- 0 टिप्पणी
in pre exam - three portn 1.english- 30 qstns 2. resng- 35 qstns 3.numericl - 35 qstns . time duratn - 1 hr
- 11 मार्च
- 0 टिप्पणी
br /SBI JA Exam Patternbr /Here are the necessary details of this take a look /br /SBI Junior Associate Exam pattern:br /There are 3 tests –br /English language – 30 questionbr /Numerical Ability – 35 questionbr /Reasoning Ability - 35 questionbr /br /Every Question - one markbr /Every section, except General English, will be bilingual i.e., English & /To qualify, candidates will have to qualify in every /br /SBI JA Main Exam Patternbr /There are four tests –br /General/Financial Awareness – 50 questionbr /Quantitative Aptitude - fifty questionbr /General English – 40 questionbr /Reasoning Ability& Computer power - fifty questionbr /br /Every Question - one markbr /br /SBI JA Syllabusbr /br /Reasoning Ability:br /Series completion, syllogisms, Decision creating, Statements , Analogy, Coding & decipherment, Blood relations, Sitting arrangements, /br /General English:br /Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, Passage correction, Sentence correction, Vocabulary, Spelling correction, Grammar, Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms, Word formation, Antonyms, Sentence completion, Comprehension, Theme /br /General Awareness: Indian Constitution, News about technology and researches, News on India and its neighboring countries, Knowledge of current events, Sports, history, geography, /br /br /SBI Junior Associate, JAA Syllabusbr /br /Computer Awareness/Marketing powerbr /Computer Awareness: queries connected to pc computer code and hardware, operating system, shortcut keys, Microsoft word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet & networksbr /Marketing Aptitude: queries on economy of Bharat, questions on selling, banking and /br /The main difference between Pre and Main communication is that the level of problem of queries asked within the on-line communication. While pre communication is for the screening of non serious candidates, Mains is totally focussed on checking candidate’s / br /
- 16 मई
- 0 टिप्पणी
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English 30 Reasoning 35 NUMERICAL ABILITY 35