SBI Prelim Exam JA and JAA exam pattern

What is the pattern of SBI Prelim Exam JA and JAA?

  • Sweety
  • 13 मई
  • 2848 दृश्य
  • 5 उत्तर
Your Answer

SBI JA Exam Pattern
Here are the necessary details of this take a look at.

SBI Junior Associate Exam pattern:
There are 3 tests –
English language – 30 question
Numerical Ability – 35 question
Reasoning Ability - 35 question

Every Question - one mark
Every section, except General English, will be bilingual i.e., English &Hindi.
To qualify, candidates will have to qualify in every section.

SBI JA Main Exam Pattern
There are four tests –
General/Financial Awareness – 50 question
Quantitative Aptitude - fifty question
General English – 40 question
Reasoning Ability& Computer power - fifty question

Every Question - one mark

SBI JA Syllabus

Reasoning Ability:
Series completion, syllogisms, Decision creating, Statements , Analogy, Coding & decipherment, Blood relations, Sitting arrangements, Classification.

General English:
Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, Passage correction, Sentence correction, Vocabulary, Spelling correction, Grammar, Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms, Word formation, Antonyms, Sentence completion, Comprehension, Theme detection.

General Awareness: Indian Constitution, News about technology and researches, News on India and its neighboring countries, Knowledge of current events, Sports, history, geography, culture.

SBI Junior Associate, JAA Syllabus

Computer Awareness/Marketing power
Computer Awareness: queries connected to pc computer code and hardware, operating system, shortcut keys, Microsoft word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet & networks
Marketing Aptitude: queries on economy of Bharat, questions on selling, banking and finance.

The main difference between Pre and Main communication is that the level of problem of queries asked within the on-line communication. While pre communication is for the screening of non serious candidates, Mains is totally focussed on checking candidate’s data.

sbi prelim exam junior associate (customer support and sales)
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
sbi prelim exam junior associate (customer support and sales)