Marks breakdown of the exam.

Can anybody please share the exam paper pattern and the marks breakdown for the RRB exam?

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  • Railway recruitment board (RRB) communication in 2016 is to be organised so as to fill in the vacancies for 18252 posts in indian railways.

    All of these vacancies are for non-technical RRB jobs.

    All the vacancies in RRB jobs:

    Commercial Apprentice (CA): 703 Posts 
    Traffic Apprentice (TA): 1645 Posts 
    Enquiry-Cum-Reservation-Clerk (ECRC): 127 Posts 
    Goods Guard: 7591 Posts 
    Junior Accounts Assistant-Cum-Typist (JAA): 1205 Posts 
    Senior Clerk-Cum-Typist (SCT): 869 Posts 
    Assistant Station Master (ASM): 5942 Posts 
    Traffic Assistant (TA): 166 Posts 
    Senior Time Keeper (STK): 04 Posts

    The question paper format of Railway Recruitment board Examination 2016 is as below.

    Question paper is asked as the objective type questions.
    There will be total 100 question in the exam. 
    Time length on this check are 90 minutes. 
    Negative marking system is applicable during this written examination. Every wrong answer will cost a subtraction of 1/3 marks.

    Marks breakdown:

    General Knowledge: 20 Marks
    Arithmetic Ability: 25 Marks
    General Intelligence: 25 Marks
    General sciences: 30 Marks

    For additional information on RRB recruitment, you can always check the official indian railway recruitment board website:

    I hope this answers your question concerning RRB exam 2016 communication. I'm additionally posting the syllabus of RRB exam 2016 within the syllabus forum.

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