To pass the exam on time, you should prepare well. It will be more difficult to do this on your own. That is why it is better to go to where you can take courses. This will help you to pass the exam successfully in the future.
You can finish it with in the particular time period .See Nothing is impossible because the word impossible itself says that I am possible. So you can do that but it's fully depends on you. Time doesn't matter but only your hardwork matter. You have prepare yourself for CLAT very carefully. It is not easy to qualify the test. But it's not too hard to qualify this. If you have to do the selective study. You have to study with full concentration. Here smart study is important. So you have to do the smart study. Just go through the previous years question papers as you can. It will definitely help you. Also try to do qualitative study rather than quantitative . At last I want to suggest one tip and that is Hardwork+Focus+Time= Success. If you follow this then I can assure that you will qualify.