Law school admission test was made to test the reading as well as reasoning skills of students that will be taking part in this. The theory behind making this test appear was to calculate the thinking skills and making it more strong. As we are aware that critical thinking is the best for the law students. No trainings or other professionalism or courses are required for the LSAT TEST. This single test is applicable for all colleges. Graduates and undergraduates can take this exam but fluency in English is a must.
It is conducted every year and out of 64585 seats 4468 students gave the exam. Almost 80 schools access the LSAT paper in thie recognized universities or schools. It is the LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL that carries out the notification and paper details for LSAT EXAMS.
It happens to take place every year and the graduate entrance takes place on the month of MAY and as per the PG COURSES it takes place at JANUARY.
The tset sections includes the following papers:-
(A) ANALYTICAL REASONING (24 MARKS)- It helps the candidate to enhance his/her skills by giving online tests, that increases his minds activity and is said that it helps in learning behavior of the person.
(B) 1st LOGIC FREASONING (24 MARKS)- It comprises of anywell-defined abstract thought based on the model of mathematics which includes the mathematical terms that are used for calculus methods.
(C) 2ND LOGIC REASONING(24 MARKS)- - It explains the study of meaning and truth and somewhat logically and mathematically connected.
Example - when it rains, the grass gets wet and therefore the grass is outside.
(D) ENGLISH COMPREHENSION(24 MARKS)- the comprehension passages, active & passive, direct and indirect speeches, pressi-writing, prepositions, grammar and vocaboulary that has been taught starting from the day we first started reading to 12thstandard.
The exam consists of 4 subjects, each are assigned with 34 marksand 35 minutes per subject is subjected to it. The exam pattern is of OBJECTIVE-TYPE. And there is no negative marking...