store house of calcium ion is. (a) sarcoplasmic reticulam (b) bone (c) nucleus (d) tonoplast

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  • Islamuddeen
  • 23 अप्रैल
  • 5731 दृश्य
  • 23 उत्तर
Your Answer

its option A (sarcoplasmic reticulum) because presence of Ca+2 ions in sarcoplasmic reticulum helps for the contraction of muscles (we have studied that as action potential passes ca+2 ions from the sarcoplasmic reticum will be released into cytoplasm and thus the troponin which covers the active sites of actin move into cytoplasm and bind to ca+2 ions. This results in the exposure of active sites of actin and leads to contraction of muscle) . Though bone is said to be made of calcium phosphate it is not said to be the reservoir of ca+2 ions. as far as i know nucleus and tonoplast (layer around vacuole) are in no way associated with calcium.

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