5 उत्तर
- can any one can explain me pentose 5 phosphate phathway please?
- Is there any need to classify viruses into separate kingdom?
- do we have to pay donation for aims institutions even after qualifying aiims exam with better marks?
- I want gk for aiima
- how much marks are required to be scored in aiims exam to get admission in aiims delhi for open category?
- Bacteriophage M13 is a
1. ssRNA
2. ssDNA
3. dsDNA
4. dsRNA
- How many marks should I get to buy a seat in AIIMS?
- the AsF5 molecule is trigonal pyramidal. the hybrid orbitals used by the As atoms for bonding are?
- How to distinguish between phenol and cyclohexanol
- give me some idea about how to hit the aiims entrance.how much would I deserve in order to get approached???
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
140 for general and 130 for SC and st