ASDC Automotive Skills Development Council: Insights and Details

ASDC (Automotive Skills Development Council) was established under National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) by Mr Vishvajit Sahay in 2012. The main aim of ASDC is to give jobs in the Automotive sector. To Prepare well, candidates are advised to attempt ASDC question papers.

Training Centres  |  Application Fees  |  Registration Process  |  Take Free Mock Test

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ASDC Automotive Skills Development Council का

ASDC Registration Process       

  • Fill the application form provided by training provider.
  • Documentation process will take place.
  • Provide the application fee if not a NSDC Funded Partner.
  • The certification will remain valid for 1 year.
  • All fees is non-refundable.


Application Fees: ASDC

 For NSDC Funded Partners:

  • Affiliation Processing Application Fee- NIL
  • Affiliation Fee- NIL
  • Curriculum Alignment- Rs. 5000

 For Non-NSDC Funded Partners:

  • Application Processing Fee- Rs. 5000
  • Affiliation Fee- NIL
  • Curriculum Alignment- Rs. 5000


Training Centers: ASDC

The total number of training centers are 8 that are affiliated with the training programme all over India. Most of the training centers are valid up to 2018. They provide regular certified courses.

Youth4work Prep Tests

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