what is the point of view of a medical representative.


  • Mir Kashim Haidar Mir
  • 1890 दृश्य
  • 9 उत्तर
9 उत्तर
  • It's a key of pharmectule companies and doctors. He went to the hospital and discussen about medicine which they made know about it and convince to doctors they use these medicine and knew doctors requirements

  • it is good preparation for MSR

  • MR

  • Key link between company and doctor & that's why he should be a good interactor as well as representative of concerned company so that the company and M.R. get good result.

  • To generate a prescription from doctors for him and company and also he represents his company .He care about the people and society.

    -1 dropdown

  • sale product by convince doctors.

  • susovan mondal

  • it should be directly linked to the patient's health benefits as because patients are all & Almighty for the doctor

  • to generate prescription through Doctor.and to sale the right products to the right Doctors.

lsssdc life sciences sector skill development council
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lsssdc life sciences sector skill development council