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What is grooming?


  • Saline
  • 2678 दृश्य
  • 8 उत्तर
8 उत्तर
  • self performance

  • br /Grooming refers to the things that people do to keep themselves clean and make their face,hair and a rel='nofollow' href=""skin look nice/ /a growing concern for personal /five new men's grooming products.

  • Grooming is a part of body language. Also grooming can affect on sales growth .

  • self presentation

  • grooming is .presenting of own how to react and how to make impact with other

  • groomig is a part of  body mainted its difine that how to prepare yourself

  • Grooming is other person's attractive our positive way so speak skill groming

  • Grooming can also be used when referring to animals. An animal grooms itself, or another animal, when it removes dirt, parasites or other unwanted debris by licking, biting or scratching...

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