ZS Associates Recruitment Process, Test Pattern, Interview Questions, Previous Year Papers

ZS Associates is a counseling and expert administration firm concentrating on counseling, programming, and innovation, headquartered in Evanston, Illinois that offers types of assistance for customers in private value, social insurance, and innovation. ZS was established in 1983 by Prabhakant Sinha and Andris Zoltners, who cooperated as educators of advertising at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. When the powers of profound ability, driving edge examination, innovation, and methodology consolidate, they have the ability to drive client worth and friends results. That is sway where it makes a difference. What's more, in a joint effort with our customers, that is actually the sort of effect that ZS conveys.

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ZS Associates Recruitment Process

ZS Associates recruits the aspirants through the on-campus drive off-campus drive. The recruiters visit on the reputed colleges and hire freshers every year through the campus placement process. The company offers job roles for freshers as well as experienced professionals. Both types of applicants can directly apply to the career section of the company.

ZS Associates follows 3 steps recruitment process to hire the aspirants.

  1. Online Aptitude Test (Written Test)

  2. Behavioural Assessment Round

  3. Interview Rounds

1. ZS Associates Online Aptitude Test (Written Round)

This round is conducted by HirePro (An assessment company for frictionless hiring). This round will be auto administered. The candidates will be auto-logged out from the test round If they change the tab more than two times. The applicants are not allowed for addons like skype, calculator, etc. This round will be held according to the below test pattern.

ZS Associates Exam Pattern

ZS Associates test pattern consists of 5 Sections - Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Data Interpretation, and the Questions of Attention to Detail. There will be 60 Questions in this round from these five sections, and the test duration will be 75 Minutes. Verbal Ability and Data Interpretation will contain 15 Questions separately, and each remaining section will have 10 Questions.



 Number of Questions

 Allotted Time

 Quantitative Aptitude

 10 Questions

 75 Minutes

 Logical Reasoning

 10 Questions

 Verbal Ability

 15 Questions

 Attention to Detail

 10 Questions

 Data Interpretation

 15 Questions


 60 Questions


ZS Associates Negative Marking

ZS Associates does not penalize any negative marks for wrong answered questions in this round. Still, the company has set a cutoff for IIT and non-IIT applicants to qualify this round. The cutoff for non-IIT applicants is 70%, and they should be in the top 30% to crack this round. The cutoff is 60% for IIT applicants, and they get a higher package.


Quantitative Aptitude Section Configuration in ZS Associates Exam Pattern

The questions are asked from below aptitude chapters in this section. You can attend the aptitude sample questions to start the practice by visiting these links.

 Number System

 Mixture and Alligation

 Set Theory

 LCM and HCF




 Time and Work



 Speed, Time and Distance

 Clocks and Calendar

 Profit and Loss

 Boats and Stream

 Permutation and Combination

 Ratio and Proportion

 Miscellaneous Questions



Logical Reasoning Section Configuration in ZS Associates Exam Pattern

The questions are asked from the below Logical Reasoning chapters in this section. You can attend the Logical Reasoning sample questions to start the practice by visiting these links.

 Seating Arrangement

 Vein Diagrams

 Coding and Decoding

 Statements and Conclusions

 Clocks and Calendar

 Number Series

 Distance and Direction Sense

 Selection Decision

 Blood Relations

 Miscellaneous Questions


Verbal Ability Section Configuration in ZS Associates Exam Pattern

The questions are asked from the following Verbal Ability chapters in this section. You can attend the Verbal Ability sample questions to start the practice by visiting these links.

 Antonyms and Synonyms

 Reading Comprehension

 Time and Tenses

 One Word Substitution

 Fill in the Blanks

 Subject-Verb Agreement

 Idioms and Phrases

 Sentence Improvement and Construction


 Contextual Vocabulary

 Parts of Speech


 Sentence Arrangement

 Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb

 Direct and Indirect Narration

 Error Detection




Data Interpretation Section Configuration in ZS Associates Exam Pattern

The questions are asked from the Data Interpretation chapters in this section. You can attend the Data Interpretation sample questions to start the practice by visiting these links.

 Bar Charts and Pie Charts

 Table Charts

 Spider Charts

 Triangular Graph

 Miscellaneous Questions


Attention to Detail Section Configuration in ZS Associates Exam Pattern

 Attention to Details

 Visual Reasoning


ZS Associates Interview Questions

ZS Associates Technical Interview Questions

  1. Specify the difference between JAVA and C++?

  2. C is not an OOP language. Why?

  3. What are the latest advancements in C++?

  4. How encapsulation and abstraction are implemented in C++?

  5. What do you know about the structures in C++?

  6. What do you know about C++ 11 standard?

  7. Define the memory leak in C++.

  8. What are the iteration statements in C++?

  9. Discuss garbage collector in Java.

  10. Explain the implementation of polymorphism in Java.

  11. Define polymorphism and abstraction.

  12. Explain the function of the pointer.

  13. Can you write a program to use a switch statement?

  14. Define the syntax and purpose of the switch statement.

  15. Can you code a program to calculate the factorial of an integer?

  16. Explain various phases of the SDLC.

  17. Is the exit() function the same as the return statement? Explain.

  18. What are the advantages of using #define to declare a constant?

  19. What is boundary value testing? Explain with example.

  20. What is the entry controlled loop?

  21. Specify the difference between merge and quick sort? Which one would you prefer to give a reason?

  22. Can you specify the significance of the scope resolution operator?

  23. What is the concept of Virtual Memory?

  24. Specify the difference between internal and external fragmentation in memory management? How can we reduce them?

  25. Explain the difference between logical & physical address.

  26. If a pointer is deleted twice, What will happen?

  27. Illustrate the current equation in series RLC circuits.

  28. Give an example of a call by reference significance.

  29. Explain paging and deadlock.

  30. In the case of inheritance, what is the execution order of constructor and destructor?

  31. Explain the inner and outer joins with examples.

  32. Explain array. Tell about 2-D array.

  33. What is the difference between a vector and an array list?

  34. Explain the term 'scheduling' in the OS.

  35. Tell about various types of locks in a transaction? Which is better, and why?

  36. Please tell your strengths and weaknesses considering the IT domain?


ZS Associates HR Interview Questions

  1. Please introduce yourself.

  2. Please tell me about your strengths.

  3. What is your most important quality?

  4. What achievements did you obtain in life?

  5. Why are you interested in this position?

  6. Why are you interested in ZS Associates?

  7. Explain with an example that you are hard-working.

  8. What challenges are you facing in IT?

  9. How can you work well under pressure?

  10. How do you handle conflict well?

  11. What would you do if not a Computer Engineer?

  12. Please tell me about the life incident which regretted you the most?

  13. What will you choose the money or the work?

  14. What are your biggest failures in your life?

  15. What were your favorite classes, and why?

  16. What do you know about ZS Associates?

  17. Who are our competitors in the market?

  18. What are your plans to reach your goals?

  19. How do you evaluate success?

  20. Describe a situation in which you were successful.

  21. What were your favorites subjects in your graduation, and why?

  22. Why is your CGPA not higher?

  23. What are your extra-curricular activities?

  24. Do you enjoy doing independent research?

  25. Who were your favorite professors, and why?

  26. Will you go for further education?

  27. Why did you choose this college for admission?

  28. What changes would you make at this college?

  29. Are you consider that you are overqualified for this job?

  30. What qualities should we look at in a candidate for this post?

  31. What qualities should have a successful manager?

  32. Have you worked as a team player?

  33. What failures and achievements have you faced in life?

  34. How much training is required to become a productive employee?

  35. What would your professors say, If we asked them about you?

  36. Which thing are you willing to change in your personality, and why?

  37. Where would you like to work in software development or software testing?

  38. What progress will you make in the upcoming five years?

  39. Are you ready to relocate?

  40. Are you willing to travel?

  41. Do you have any location preferences?

  42. Why should we hire you?

  43. Do you have any questions for us?

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