Please tell me some important things to remember while appearing in an interview?

Need some interview tips

  • Amit
  • 29 जुलाई
  • 2883 दृश्य
  • 6 उत्तर
Your Answer

Hi Amit, am not an experts but I can suggest few important Do’s for a successful interview:
·         Use a strong voice, clear diction and correct grammar.
·         Make sure your personal appearance is prim and proper, and you dress appropriately.
·         In case of a handshake with the panelists, make sure it is a firm one.
·         Establish eye contact with the interviewer but do not state at him.
·         Do equip yourself with sufficient knowledge about the B-school you are seeking admission to.
·         Do take criticism gracefully.
·         Do equip yourself with a strong knowledge of the company (in case of prior work experience).
·         Do display a sense of wit as and when possible.
·         Do exhibit a mixture of self-confidence, grace and poise.
·         Do take sufficient time to think before answering tricky questions and do not be rushed into your answers.
·         Do make concrete goals in planning for your career.
·         Do demonstrate sufficient grasp of the key graduation concepts.
·         Do have sufficient knowledge of your key projects & papers.
·         Do support your answers with examples, wherever possible.
·         Do present yourself as a multi rounded personality with ability to learn from both academic and extracurricular activities.

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