What is the Selection Process at Johnson Controls?

What is the Selection Process at Johnson Controls Placement ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?

  • Jalu
  • 20 जनवरी
  • 21074 दृश्य
  • 6 उत्तर
Your Answer

Exam Pattern
Written Exam- There is a written exam for 60 questions for 60 minutes time duration. It tests the knowledge of quantitative aptitude, verbal language and technical knowledge.
Technical Interview
HR Interview
Quantitative- Time and Work, Profit & Loss, Ages, Ratio & Proportion, Ages, HCF & LCM, Average, Probability, Permutation-Combinations.
Aptitude and Reasoning- Algebra, Probabililty, Speed, Time,Coding, Decoding, Blood Relations, Number Series
Technical JAVA, and other softwares.

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