What is the eligibility criteria for MindTree?
Please share the eligibility criteria for MindTree................
- 28973 दृश्य
- 4 उत्तर
4 उत्तर
- 22 अगस्त
- 0 टिप्पणी
1) A candidate must have more than 65% marks in 10th and 12th (or diploma).br /2) A candidate must have a minimum of 65% marks in graduation.br /3) A maximum gap of 2 years is permitted in graduation.br /4) A candidate should not have any pending backlogs at the time of appearing for Mindtree selection process.
- 24 जुलाई
- 0 टिप्पणी
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मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
Eligibility for Mindtree is freshers with B.tech, BCA, MCA, BE Degree/ Experienced.br /To get complete details, check a rel='nofollow' href="https://www.prep.youth4work.com/Placement-Papers/MindTree-Test/About"Mindtree/a.