What is the basic work of Mu Sigma?

tell the details you know about the company Mu Sigma. also mention about its jobs and career opportunities.

  • Akshita
  • 14 मई
  • 2340 दृश्य
  • 3 उत्तर
Your Answer

Mu Sigma has a singular purpose:
To instill in large enterprises a fundamentally new approach to decision making, one designed to not just match today’s incredible pace of change, but to help firms capitalize on it. We call it a new Art of Problem Solving.
If applied in your environment, this system provides the ‘mojo’ that your company needs to move beyond just mitigating the risks of change, toward taking advantage of those risks.
This isn’t another methodology. It’s a system – a series of habits, artifacts, and software – each of which must be continuously sharpened, but also applied daily to your problem solving work.

mu sigma
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
mu sigma