Can I connect PAYTM to my other internet banking apps and sites?

Are there chances of collaborating my other internet banking accounts to my PAYTM?

  • Bemin
  • 22 फरवरी
  • 1898 दृश्य
  • 2 उत्तर
Your Answer

Paytm Wallet, is the digital payment instrument through which you can transfer money from your bank account orcredit card to use for transactions on the platform. You need to set up an account using your mobile phone number and email ID to create Paytm account and transfer cash to the wallet. But you can connect netbanking account to paytm. Yes we can connect our netbanking account to doing this we can save our time as well as it is very easy and efficient. As it is easy to for directly connecting netbanking account to paytm rather than transferring to wallet for the paytm and using it. For this we have to follow some procedure.which is also available on net.

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