How to crack aptitude test?

Aptitude Study tips

  • Shreya
  • 16 नवम्बर
  • 15273 दृश्य
  • 10 उत्तर
Your Answer

For any MNC Aptitude Study Following:-
1. Quantitative:-
Profit and Loss, Averages, Time and Distance, Time And Work,Partnership, Ages, Ratio and Proportion, Alligation and Mixture,LCM,HCF,Probability,Simple and Compound Interest, True discount, Logarithms and Problems on Trains
2. Logical:-
Letter series,Number Series, Coding Encoding, Blood Relation,Linear and Circular Arrangements, Direction Sense test, Calendar , Analogy.
3. Verbal:-
Synonyms,Antonyms,Fill in the blanks,Ordering of sentences,Spotting errors,Idioms and phrases,Odd man out.

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