which book is good to study DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM?
which book is good to study DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM with easy language to understand?
- 5577 दृश्य
- 5 उत्तर
5 उत्तर
- What are the advantages of DBMS?
- What are the four major types of DBMS?
- What are the two main types of databases?
- Estimate the I/O cost of retrieving records from Parts table that contains price less than or equal 1000 rupees. Assume that 15% of tuples satisfy the selection criteria.?
- What do you mean by database explain? Explain your answer
- Every person have based knowledge of Database Management System?
- What is a database management system and give examples?
- How can I practice the questions of Database Management System? Where to find study material?
- What Legal Advice Should I Seek?
- Answer this and explain your answer
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
database management system
strongTips and Tricks/strongbr /Candidates must attempt multiple choice questions carefully.br /Candidates must attempt revise all database concepts.br /Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.br /Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.