Where can I prepare for the Logical reasoning tests for stepping in some famous companies ?

Where can I prepare for the Logical reasoning tests for stepping in some famous companies ?

  • Sarthak
  • 07 सितम्बर
  • 2 उत्तर

2 उत्तर
1-2 of  2
2 उत्तर
  • Tips and Tricks
    Candidates must attempt multiple choice questions carefully.
    Candidates must attempt logical reasoning questions more often.
    Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.
    Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.
    FOR MOCK TESTS, click here.
    FOR PRACTICE BOOK LINKS, click here.


  • thanks sarthak for a2a.

    firstly see where do you stand when it comes to logical reasoning test. 
    you can take test on youth4work as well and there are plenty of other good website as well. you can learn new tricks on unacademy and youtube as well. 
    engage yourself in solving more and more riddles, rubiks cube, puzzles, etc. which will increase your IQ. 
    you can get hold of some famous books on logical reasoning as well like arun sharma, nishit k sinha and arihant publication books. 

    all the best. and happy learning. 

logical reasoning
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
logical reasoning