what exact strategy should follow to clear mpsc instead doing 4-5 year study

what should follow what should not ..how to do perfect strategic study

  • Ruchika
  • 15 जुलाई
  • 18119 दृश्य
  • 3 उत्तर
Your Answer

You need speed to finish MPSC State Services Exam 2018 within prescribed time limit. Go through the detailed topics listed on MPSC official website and start with the ones that you are good at. The prelim exam will be based on objective type questions. But the Main Exam will require candidates to write long answers in Marathi as well as in English. It is important to be selective about the study material to study smart and save time. Candidates must practise writing in Marathi and in English for essay type questions. The length of descriptive type questions will be from 205 words to 1000 words, which will take time to think and write, so reading about various topics, current events will help. • Have a strategy/study plan regarding what to do and how to do. Also, maintain a time table and allot time for each subject chapter wise so that you can track your progress as you move forward. After each study session keep 1 hour for revision of topics learned/practised. • Make Social Studies, Economics and some Culture topics your strong suit. Read newspapers every day to stay updated on nation and international issues, current events, corporate news, economy and important announcements. • Become smart by attempting questions that you are sure of first, then come to the questions you’re in doubt. But don’t attempt them anyway, remember negative marking is a factor here. Therefore, try to attempt questions that you are absolutely sure about. • Manage your time properly; give appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit. • Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals. • It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

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