
personality is any issue in case of MPSC

  • Sourabh
  • 15 जुलाई
  • 3028 दृश्य
  • 4 उत्तर
Your Answer

MPSC Personality test is not a test of knowledge, it is a test of personality traits and characteristics. Because MPSC has already assessed your Knowledge and analytical aspects in Prelims and Mains exam.

There are 275 marks allocated to the personality test. According to a report, it is observed that 90 per cent of the candidates who qualify for interview hover around the minimal percentage of 55 per cent prescribed for the test.

Even though you cannot get less than 55 marks in the interview but you must know it's not enough to get into the final merit list. However to be assured of a Class I service, one has to generally obtain about 58 per cent marks. It is observed that only those, securing 60 per cent and above is sure of getting a service of their own choice.

In other words in order to get a good ranking for a better service allotment, one should strive to get at least 200 marks and above in the interview for allotment of the IAS and other Group A services.

These facts and figures clearly reveal that a good score in the personality test can play a determining role in the final selection of the candidate through the civil service exams.

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